You're finished with deadlines and metrics imposed by others, high pressure deliverables, and workplace politics but maybe you're not done reaping the satisfaction and stability you've achieved from career accomplishments and/or an income. Maybe you were unexpectedly forced into retirement. Many of the youngest Baby Boomers, while now eligible for Social Security benefits, find themselves unwilling to live without another source of income. Likewise, many of the the oldest of Generation X plan to work well into their 60s and beyond out of financial necessity or because we now live longer.
We can explore what "work" might mean after retirement.
For others, work income is no longer a priority. If you look for dictionary definitions of "career" you will not find references to compensation. Giving back and offering your time is one of the most gratifying activities of retired professionals. Volunteering doesn't always mean being an extra set of hands at a charity event. Seasoned professionals can design encore careers as volunteers, applying their well-honed professional skills for non-profits in transformative ways. How will you make a difference?
In Retirement Life Plan: Navigating the Transition from a Rewarding Career, Pauline Johnson-Zielonka cites findings by the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College. "Researchers examined participation in paid work, volunteer work, caregiving, and education, and found that...those who were involved simply for the sake of filling their time had lower wellbeing compared to those that found these activities to be positive, meaningful, or inspiring."
A fulfilling retirement rarely happens just by chance. Planning ahead with retirement coaching can help you reap the benefits you've worked so hard to enjoy.
The idea of retiring is anxiety-inducing for many. The Retirement Life Plan Coaching Journey guides you to design a retirement proactively, one that you look forward to, and is the result of intentionality rather than chance.
Six 55-minute Sessions
Some people are lucky enough to retire on their own schedule. Sadly, others are forced into retirement without warning. When we think of "retirement planning," finances are what usually come to mind... savings, asset allocation, fixed income, etc.
Those nearing typical retirement age get nervous about how it will feel to leave their proud work legacy behind. Well don't! Retirement coaching is customized to focus on the unique needs of experienced professionals looking to start a new encore career, or invent alternative ways to continue their same career with work in retirement.
Some professionals in their 50s, 60s and older don't like to think ahead about the life changes which may come in retirement. It's unnerving. Health care concerns, aging, mobility changes, lacking a sense of meaning. Who wants to dwell on that ever, let alone in advance?
Peer-reviewed research published in 2023 in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found, "Successful retirement adjustment requires careful planning in the lead up to this important life transition. While financial planning is routinely prioritized, evidence suggests that the social changes in retirement can be just as challenging to manage — if not more."
Built from extensive research of adult wellbeing, pre and post retirement, Retirement Life Plan™ is a powerful retirement coaching framework through which you map out a rewarding and rich retirement with intention, rather than experiencing retirement as something happening to you.
Your investment in retirement coaching prepares you before you find yourself unprepared.
You and everyone else.
It should be planned thoughtfully and minimize compromises. See how retirement coaching could make a difference for you in a $47 introductory-priced session, offered free through Jan 31, 2025. For those who plan to be working after retirement, we can blend career coaching seamlessly into your Retirement Life Plan.
Joel Dietz, ACC, SPHR provides coaching for career, leadership, and non-financial retirement planning. Serving clients locally in Houston, and virtually, everywhere.
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